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Kira has been a writer for as long as she can remember -- at least since the first grade when her poem about lions won a poetry contest and was published in a booklet at her local library. After her poem about Ruby Bridges won her high school's poetry contest, she knew she was hooked. Ever since, Kira has been expressing herself by writing fictional short stories, personal essays and poetry. She graduated from Emerson College with a BFA in Writing, Literature and Publishing, and soon after secured the position of Editor at TipHero. 

In 2020, Kira created her blog, Biracial Mom, where she regularly writes about her motherhood journey, her racial identity, being a Highly Sensitive Person and empath, and more. Her article about Black maternal health has received national attention, and her articles about diversity and theater have been published in such outlets as BroadwayWorld and StageSource. She is currently working on her first novel. 

This work is more often referred to as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). But while diversity is a crucial piece of the puzzle, here’s why the term ‘EDI’ is gaining traction, and why I’m personally committed to putting the “E” first.


Many actors of color know what it feels like to be on “the list” of people who get called to fill certain roles. The feeling is nuanced, and it changes depending on the theater’s actions, or inaction.

Growing up in the 90’s, you’d frequently hear the phrase “I just don’t see color.” So when it came to race, we just didn’t talk about it.


When it came to pregnancy, statistics had never been on my side. Then, a traumatic labor and delivery experience brought to mind the odds Black women face when giving birth.

Being a biracial actor is a difficult art form; one that brings the question of “which box do I check?” to a whole new level.

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